Saturday, January 25, 2020
Introduction to Sacred Geometry
Introduction to Sacred Geometry By Arthur Simoes Introduction    in keeping with historic cultures, outstanding scientists, brilliant minds of philosophy and religion. knows geometry is aware of the universe, it is a language that governs all laws and rules of the cosmos. The introduction of many traditions describes the universe because the paintings of an Architect who makes use of sacred geometry to create out the dimensions of the universe, wisely designing every element of it, and controlling by means of just proportions evidenced in the geometric shapes of nature. The complete Universe (which include our solar device, as well as atoms, DNA, and beings) cover the secrets of stability, rhythm, share and harmony in range, the fractal connections of pieces with each different and the complete. This agreement is expressed with the help out some key numbers. Over the entrance to Platos academy became wrote down the word: Let none enter here who are ignorant of geometry Through time many were the number of scientists and philosophers who speaks about Sacred Geometry. Galileo, Plato, Pythagoras, St. Augustine , Johannes Kepler and others. Numbers are the thoughts of God. (St. Augustine) Mathematics is the alphabet with which God has written the universe. (Galileo) Geometry existed before the creation. It is co-eternal with the mind of GodGeometry provided God with a model for the Creation (Johannes Kepler). The sacred geometry can teach us the relationship between man and the universe as Hermes Trismegistus once said : That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above, corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracles of the One Thing. What is Sacred Geometry ? In nature, we discover styles, designs, and systems from minuscule particles, to expressions of existence great through human eyes, to the greater cosmos. those necessarily follow geometrical archetypes, which reveal to us the nature of each form and its vibrations. theyre also symbolic of the basic spiritual rule of the inseparable courting of the element to the whole. its far this principle of oneness basic all geometry that fills the architecture of all shape in its countless range. This principle of connectedness inseparability and agreement gives us with a continuous reminder of our close to the entire, a blueprint for the mind to the sacred foundation of all things created.The basic concept is that geometry and mathematical ratios, harmonics, share are also found in songs, calm, cosmology. This price is visible as commonly even in prehistory, a cultural body of the human circumstance. its far considered basic to constructing sacred structures which include temples, mosques, megaliths, monuments and churches. Many forms in observed in nature may be associated with geometry. for instance, honeybees assemble hexagonal cells to avoid their honey. Sacred geometry can be understood as a worldview of pattern popularity, a complicated system of spiritual symbols and structures related to space, time and form. consistent with this view the simple patterns of lifestyles are visible as sacred. by using connecting with those, a believer expects the first-rate Mysteries and the extremely good blueprint. Sacred geometry has existed in lots of paperwork throughout the ages it is regularly mistakenly said that geometry started with the Greeks, however, earlier than they had been the Minoans, the Egyptians, Sumerians, Indus valley, Chinese, Phoenicians and of direction, megaliths all of whom left clear geometric fingerprints in their finest constructions. The Greeks may additionally properly have been the primary to have supplied geometry to the general public at massive, but they were by no means the first to comprehend it. Golden Ratio The Golden ratio is a special number found by dividing a line into two parts so that the longer part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer part. This is also symbolized as phi, after the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet. In an equation that looks like this: a/b = (a+b)/a = 1.6180339887498948420 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ As with pi (the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter), the digits pass on and on to infinity. Phi is usually round off to 1.618. This number has been caught on and rediscovered oftentimes that is why theyve so many names to it, Golden section, divine proportion, Golden mean, and so on In records, this wide variety can be seen in an awful lot architecture of many historical creations, Pyramid Of Giza, Parthenon. on the Pyramid Of Giza, the period of every side of the base is 756 ft with a height of 481 ft. The ratio of the base to the height is 1.5717, close to the Golden ratio. Phidias (500 B.C. 432 B.C.) turned into a Greek sculptor and mathematician who is thought to have applied phi to the layout of sculptures for the Parthenon. Plato (428 B.C. 347 B.C.) taken into consideration the Golden ratio to be the most universally required of mathematical relationships. Later, Euclid (365 B.C. three hundred B.C.) related the Golden ratio to the development of a pentagram. around 1200, mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci determined the homes of the Fibonacci series. This collection is so much like the Golden Ratio because if you take two successive wide variety from the Fibonacci sequence the ratio is very near. because the numbers get larger the get in the direction of 1.618 as an instance, the ratio of 3 to five is 1.666. however, the ratio of 13 to 21 is 1.625. Getting even better, the ratio of one hundred forty-four to 233 is 1.618. The Golden Ratio can be determined in well-known artwork and sculptures from the Renaissance. In 1509, Luca Pacioli wrote a book that refers to the range because the Divine proportion, which became illustrated by Leonardo DA Vinci. Da Vinci, later himself referred to as the book Sectio Aurea or The Golden segment. Da Vinci used the Golden Ratio to demonstrate all his proportions on his painting Last Supper, in particular at the proportions of the desk on the and historical past. Golden ratio additionally appears in DA Vincis Vitruvian man and the Mona Lisa. other artists who used the Golden ratio consist of Michelangelo, Raphael, Rembrandt, Seurat, and Salvador Dali. Phi is greater than a difficult to understand time period located in mathematics and physics. It seems round us in our daily lives, even in our creative views. research have proven while taking a look at topics views random faces, the ones they believe most attractive are those with solid parallels to the Golden ratio. F aces judged because of the maximum attractive display Golden ratio proportions between the width of the face and the width of the eyes, nostril, and eyebrows. The test topics werent mathematicians and physicists educated with phi they had been just common human beings, and the Golden ratio introduced out an instinctual reaction. Fibonacci and Sequence The Fibonacci is a series of numbers is observed by using adding numbers earlier than it. beginning with zero and 1, the series is going 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,23,21,34 so forth. This sequence is called after one of the best mathematicians, Fibonacci also called Leonardo Of Pisa or Leonardo Pisano. Fibonacci turned into born round 1175 to Guglielmo Bonacci, a rich Italian service provider and, through some debts, the consul for Pisa. Guglielmo directed a trading submit in Bugia North Africa. Fibonacci as a young boy traveled with him, during this time he discovered approximately the Hindu-Arabic numeral system. Fibonacci traveled at the Mediterranean coast assembly many merchants alongside the way getting to know approximately their systems of doing mathematics. He quickly found out the benefits of the Hindu-Arabic arithmetic. afterward, in 1202 he completed writing a book called Liber Abaci which confirmed the Hindu-Arabic mathematics to the Latin-speaking countries. If you havent heard of the Fibonacci spiral Let me explain: a Fibonacci spiral is a fixed of connected quarter-circles drawn internal a group of squares with Fibonacci numbers for dimensions. The squares in shape flawlessly together due to nature of the collection, wherein the following variety is same to the sum of the 2 earlier than it. Any successive numbers have a ratio near the Golden ratio, thats kind of 1.618034. the larger the Fibonacci numbers are, the nearer it gets. The spiral ensuing are known as the Golden Ratio. The Golden Ratio represented by using the Greek letter Phi. Greek architects used the ratio for plenty well-known designs and systems inclusive of the Parthenon in Athens. Sacred Geometry in the Universe We humans beings are constantly looking at nature and its beauty, with its proportions and patterns which brings attention to our eyes. We experience this in many different structures, plants, animals, and paintings. Such as the Pyramid of Giza, The Last Supper by Da vinci, a shell
Friday, January 17, 2020
Analysis – Investigating the Effects of Trampling on
A basic trend can be drawn from the results collected. The kite diagram emphasises clearly the effects of trampling on species distribution near footpaths. On the path very little to no species grew, whereas towards the edges of the footpath there was an increase in species number and variety. Moreover, the data gathered from testing the footpath for compaction revealed that the path itself has greater compaction than the areas to either side of it. Further more, the drainage time of the soil showed a similar trend in that where areas of soil were more compact, the drainage time was higher. Also where areas of soil were less compact the drainage time was less. The spearman's rank value supports this trend by revealing a positive correlation between the drainage time and the compaction of the soil. The kite diagram reveals the trend that less species tend to grow on footpaths. This is due to the fact that as people walk on the footpaths the soil becomes increasingly compact. This leads to the soil particles being forced closer together creating a decrease in air space which results in the water taking longer to drain into the soil. As soil becomes compact, root growth is inhibited due to lack of air space. The roots grow shorter and thicker which largely decreases the overall surface area of the roots which leads to the plant being unable to absorb adequate nutrients and moisture. Moreover, as the roots become inhibited, they are limited to the amount of soil they can explore. This can decrease the plant's ability to take up nutrients. Similarly, as water runs off compact soil it dissolves the nutrients and carries them away, a process known as leeching. As the drainage time is far greater on the footpath, this lack of water results in the soil having very little nutrients. The lack of air space reduces the number of aerobic bacteria. Atmospheric nitrogen is fixed by bacteria. Lack of bacteria will result in a decrease of nitrates for the plants. Plants need nitrates for proteins and for nucleic acids and will die without these. The nitrogen cycle is unable to progress as less water and oxygen leads to fewer microbes and less decay which results in less nutrients. Compact soil may hold little water which will lead to plants with xerophytic adaptations being able to thrive. More plants are able to grow better in less compact soil due to an increase in the air space available. This can provide the roots with space to grow and the water with space to drain through. Therefore more nutrients and water provide the plant with adequate living conditions. Grass has a very low growing point allowing it to survive after being cut short. Its rolled leaves provide added protection when being trampled upon. From the kite diagram we are able to see that grass can grow on the footpath but there is less of it. This maybe due to the possibility of the footpath not being used by the public for a while, thereby giving the grass time to develop. However, as grass has its growing point at the base of the plant, and is therefore not damaged when cut, grass is better adapted to survive in trampled areas than other plants that have their growing points in more vulnerable areas. Rosette plants have a growing point which is protected by leaves which emerge from a central point. This enables the plant to be highly adaptable to varied conditions. In contrast, the Violet plants are very delicate and their growing point is exposed. This results in the plant being less adaptable and more likely to survive in well controlled, less compact environments. The plant Heather prefers slightly more acidic soil to obtain the best growing conditions. They also need a significant amount of moisture in the soil, which will not be found on highly compact pathways. The growing point of Heather is quite vulnerable, being at the base of a plant that will often spread out. The kite diagram supports this as no Heather was located on the footpath. Spearman's rank calculation demonstrates a positive correlation between the drainage time and the compaction of the soil. If the soil is less compact then in general, the drainage time should be less also. Similarly, if the soil is more compact then the drainage time should take longer than normal. Water that is trapped in compact soil has difficulty moving up through the soil surface where it can evaporate and reduce soils temperature. Therefore the soil water in compact areas can heat up from increased thermal conductivity of the denser soil. This can cause significant damage to the roots of plants. Compaction can result in significant reduction of the rate at which rainwater can penetrate the soil's surface. This is confirmed by the spearman's rank calculation showing a positive correlation, and the data gathered when measuring the drainage time of both compact and less compact soil on the footpaths. Heavily compact soil has a reduced rate of both water infiltration and drainage from the compacted layers. This is because compact soil contains few large pores which are the most effective in moving water through the soil when it is saturated. In conclusion, the reasons why trampling on species near footpaths affects their distribution is due to a range of factors; the soil compaction, drainage time and the species itself. The soil is proven to be generally more compact on the footpaths than in the surrounding areas. This compact soil on footpaths leads to increases drainage time as the soil has less pores or air space which would normally aid water absorption. The growth point of a plant can also be a factor as to why trampling on species on footpaths affects their distribution. A trend was shown from the data collected that grass, a very adaptable and sturdy plant, was able to grow on footpaths and withstand the trampling. This is due to grass having a growing point at the base of the plant where it is protected well. In contrast, the Violet plants were recorded to only grow in the surrounding areas of the footpaths. This is due to the growing point being highly exposed. The spearman's rank value shows a positive correlation between drainage time and the compaction of the soil. As the spearman's rank value is greater than the critical value, 0.414>0.377, it can be valued as reliable. Moreover, the confidence level of the spearman's rank calculation is 95% which can be valued as very reliable.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Essay about Video Games May Desensitize Youth, but Nothing...
Parents have a reason to be afraid. In this age, youngsters can casually hop online and quickly find an easy recipe on how to make their favorite deadly explosive, many schools now have metal detectors at the doors to prevent armed students from massacring their peers, drugs flow freely down suburban streets, and children have unprecedented access to. . . . .video games? It may seem a bit odd to place video games in the same category as the other frightening facts parents have to deal with, but in the past few years, violent acts of crime have become more and more common among teenagers. Parents looking to find a reason for this have turned to violent video games, which have also had a large growth over the past few years. Since†¦show more content†¦They claim that all the negative imagery on the screen seeps into teens subconscious and desensitizes them. A child will learn what he is exposed to most often, and in most video games, violence is the primary problem-solving option (Schroeder). When provoked, these teens react in a violent manner because it is what they have been taught by video games. Others say that video games have merely been made a scapegoat by the faulty parents of America who are afraid to admit their own part in the problem. The movie and television industry also point the finger at video games because as long as games are being blamed, the movies and television are safe. Supporters of video games say that video game players are all over America, and yet only a few have committed horrific acts of violence. They say these select few were mentally unstable before playing video games, and it is just coincidence that they were gamers. Ive been a computer nerd since I was a kid and Im not going crazy any time soon says Brian Deuell, an avid video game player. (Deuell). Both sides of the argument cite research that supports their position. However, these studies are often done in ridiculous setups using outdated and unplayed video games as a basis. Jeff Green, a writer for Computer Gaming World, wrote an article on one study that concluded that there was a link between teen violence and video games because afterShow MoreRelatedEssay on Video Game Violence1599 Words  | 7 Pageschild making a character in a video game ruthlessly rape, beat, and kill another character has been deemed acceptable as long as said child is of a certain age. Video games are prominent in everyday life. Children as young as two are starting off playing basic video games to learn their ABC’s and 123’s. The problem is as children get older they are influenced by the video games they play and most of the video games in today’s society are violent and gory. Video games affect children and cause themRead MoreIs Video Game Violence the Cause of Juvenile Delinquency? 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Essay on Philosophy vs. Science - 1181 Words
Since ancient times, humans have always searched for truth to uncover the hidden mysteries of the world and slake their curiosity. From mystic to theological, from scientific to deductive, these have run the gamut of possible approaches. As time went on, this search developed into a more systematized procedure, with forms of research formed mainly into the studies we know today as science and philosophy. Many intellectuals answer the siren call of one or the other, and with reason, as these different patrons of truth vary from and bear semblance to each other in manifold ways that may appeal to certain people. Of these ways, philosophy and science differ in their history, intrinsic nature, and method. To begin with, the history of†¦show more content†¦To some extent, a period called the Renaissance bolstered science more and more into its own, and it finally broke out within the Scientific Revolution, which anteceded the Enlightenment during the 18th century (Buckler, 595-5 96). It then became its own study and persisted on to encompass multiple different subjects today. In their advancements, philosophy and science changed from being the same concept to two utterly divergent paths. Though their history is analogous, the nature of their studies is relatively contrasting. Philosophy is relatively vague and covers several issues, making it singularly difficult to define in any one explanation. It literally means â€Å"the love of wisdom,†and involves morality, aesthetics (philosophy dealing with beauty), and ontology and metaphysics (philosophies dealing with reality and existance) (â€Å"Philosophy†). It could be called â€Å"the study of everything,†as it is so widely inclusive that it could be applied to attempt to discern almost everything. It focuses mostly on the immaterial and involves human behavior and existence, but still relates to other mental topics, ones that are similar to aesthetics. 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