Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Qualitative Research Results And Discussion - 2119 Words
Chapter 5 – Qualitative research results and discussion To analyse the objectives of this study further, interview questions were ready for opinion leaders, which include journalists, staffs of the management team and PR practitioners. Only key sentences or words of discussion were chosen due to the word limitation, the full-translated transcripts are attached at Appendix B. The findings of interview have three parts, which related to the three research questions. A: For the question of the impact of opinion leaders on Weibo, the viewpoints from interviewees all admitted the leading roles of opinion leaders, but their influences are limited. 1) Most interviewees agreed opinion leaders have the influence on fans, but they pointed out the impact has limitations. Anonymous manager: ‘Opinion leaders have the impacts on fans communities, but the impact has the limitations.’ Gu Yue: ‘Of course they have some impacts on their areas [†¦] (but) it is easier for them to guide followers to do something more than change the other’s opinion.’ Yang Juntao: ‘Opinion leaders have the ability to influence or even change followers’ opinions.’ Anonymous PR practitioner: ‘Opinion leaders generally control the directions of discourse in fan groups’, ‘but different opinion leaders have their own position’ Yang Jie: ‘The impacts of opinion leaders are not constant.’ As opinion leaders are the key stakeholders of celebrities and their companies, and the impacts were acknowledged. It shows theShow MoreRelatedQualitative Research Results And Discussion1375 Words  | 6 PagesChapter 5 – Qualitative research results and discussion To analyse the objectives of this study further, interview questions were ready for opinion leaders, which include journalists, staffs of the management team and PR practitioners. Only key sentences or words of discussion were chosen due to the word limitation, the full-translated transcripts are attached at Appendix B. The findings of interview have three parts, which related to the three research questions. A: For the question of the impactRead MoreQualitative Research Critique: Asthma Self-Management in Puerto Rican Families935 Words  | 4 PagesQualitative Research Critique: Asthma Self-Management in Puerto Rican Families In the research study, A qualitative exploration of asthma self-management beliefs and practices in Puerto Rican families, Martin et. al. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Beliefs About the World Trade Organization Free Essays
Before reading articles about the World Trade Organization written by activist organizations and the WTO itself, I was aware that the conflicts and the debates surrounding the esteemed organization concern the power differences between the haves and the have-nots in the global economy. I also believed that the WTO is an indispensable entity produced by globalization itself. In my opinion, the WTO balances power between the haves and the have-nots as far as it is possible to do so. We will write a custom essay sample on Beliefs About the World Trade Organization or any similar topic only for you Order Now And, while the economies of abundance and high economic growth cannot be expected to slow down because of the low growth economies, the WTO at least gives the latter a voice. The articles on the WTO written by activist organizations have changed my beliefs about the organization very little. Indeed, it comes as a surprise to me that the WTO is blamed for putting the rights of big businesses â€Å"to profit over human and labor rights. †Jerry Mander, the president of the International Forum on Globalization, refers to the WTO’s â€Å"mad drive toward corporate led economic globalization. †Yet, I had believed that WTO naturally favors the big economies of the world rather than corporations because the big economies happen to be instrumental in the entire global economy. In fact, without the big economies, the developing world would not even dream of globalization and foreign investment that would eventually make it possible for poor countries to economically grow. Besides, human and labor rights, in my opinion, cannot possibly be discounted by the WTO, seeing that businesses cannot even function without human and labor rights, and at the heart of WTO’s mission lies its interest in the promotion of business around the globe. Articles authorized by the WTO strengthen my belief that the organization works with â€Å"member countries†instead of focusing on corporations. In actual fact, the WTO takes decisions based on a consensus among its member countries. Moreover, it is wonderful to note that the WTO’s system is a promoter of world peace. After all, the organization allows for discussions, even among those member countries that differ in their opinions about the global political economy. I do not believe that I require further information to change my beliefs about the WTO. The organization remains ‘esteemed’ in my humble opinion, promoting the interests of all of its member countries while naturally favoring the big economies that happen to be most helpful for the small economies as well. How to cite Beliefs About the World Trade Organization, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Business Intelligence and Security Analytics employed in ANZ Bank
Question: Discuss about the Business Intelligence and Security Analytics employed in ANZ Bank. Answer: Introduction The Australian and New Zealand (ANZ) Banking Group Limited is the fourth largest bank in Australia. The ANZ bank has uplifted the utilization of data analytics for detecting the frauds and for improving the customer service. Abbruzzesse stated that the global analytics software leader SAS analytics insights on Banking on Data in Digital Environment have a committed data repository and data mining resources (Loshin, 2012). Moreover, implementation of business intelligence tools leads to attain competitive advantage in external and internal business processes of the bank. Business Processes Internal Business Risk Administration By determining certain events and analysing them from the perspectives of evaluating a response approach and detecting progress. Competitive Advantage: Reduction of Risks and aggressive magnitude can be determined. Customer Expediency Management It is the process of determining the valuable and invaluable customers and restricts them from some services. Competitive Advantage: The profitability can be increased. External Customer discontent solution The customer can make complaints over email or phone call. The call center operator registers the complaint, keys in the summary, and allocates docile code. Competitive Advantage: The customer satisfaction can be improved. Credit Card Fraud Revelations A method can be employed for determining the likelihood of fraudulent activities. Competitive Advantage: The fraudulent transactions can be prevented and the reliability of the bank can be improved. Customer Segmentation The intrinsic business processes in the bank are associated with customers whose whole life cycle ranging from procurement to end of their relationship with the bank. 20% of the consumers can produce 80% of revenues if the bank keeps them engaged and profitable (Ularu, Puican, Apostu Velicanu, 2012). Competitive Advantage The cross-selling amenities and several rewards can be offered to entice the customers. Metrics used ROI Return on Investment per consumer ROE- Return on Equity for each consumer Data Sources Frequency of Transaction Consumer Retention Size of each transaction Data Variants Required Customer Characteristics Consumer Expertise Consumer Cost Margins Transactions done in an user account Methods used Costing based on User Activity Evaluation of Analytical limitations Data classification Analysis of customer transactions and profits Month-wise or Quarter-wise Reporting Forecasting the customer demands Tools Used Oracle, SAS, Teradata, SPSS, etc. Fraud Detection in Credit Cards The detection of credit card frauds is an extrinsic business process to note down any fraudulent transactions in credit cards of the customers (Rutrell, 2012) . Competitive Advantage The fraud cases can be restricted and penalty can be reduced. Metrics Used Successful Fraud Detection probability Alarm embossed for real frauds Decrease rate of frauds Data Sources Frequency of user transactions Size of transactions like loan amount, deposited amount, etc. Data Variants Required Recognizing the buying characteristics and location of customers Customers Direct input Statement of User Accounts Methods used Evaluation of Analytical Parameters Classification of fraud patterns Analysis of unanticipated digital data Merging distinct data sources Identifying duplicate transactions Recommendations The recommendations of business intelligence implications are listed below: Customized Proffering Cross-Selling Facilities and Consumer centric rewards Spend dissection of customers Customer Detainment Management Targeting Techniques on customers References: Loshin, D. (2012, October 19). Business Data Suited to Big Data Analytics. Retrieved from https://data-informed.com/businessproblems-suited-to-big-data-analytics/; Rutrell, Y. (2012, August 12). Analytics platform helps agencies fight cyber crime, government computer news. Retrieved from https://gcn.com/articles/2012/07/12/sassecurity-intelligence-platfromanalytics.aspx; Ularu, G., Puican, F., Apostu, A. Velicanu, M. (2012). Perspectives on Big Data and Big Data Analytics. Database Systems Journal, 3(4), 3-14.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
VEGETARIAN DIETS DEFINED Essay VEGETARIAN DIETS DEFINED Essay Vegetarianism does not have any mandatory rules. They do not all have to do things that are set in stone. However, some general types of the vegetarian diet do exist. The most commonly used terms for these catagories are as follows: Lacto-vegetarians:This type of diet has been defined as being restricted from eating any animal flesh, but they do or are allowed to eat dairy products. Ovo-vegetarians: Similar to lacto-vegetarians, they do not eat flesh or milk products, but are allowed to eat eggs instead of dairy products. Lacto-ovo-vegetarians: the most popular type, does not eat flesh or meats from animals, but they do eat eggs and dairy products. Vegans: It is said to be virtually impossible to be completely vegan. These type of people do not eat animal products at all.Most also discourage use of animal products in their everyday life. They rely only on plant-based foods. Macrobiotics:This philosophy emphasizes consuming locally produced seasonal foods. We will write a custom essay on VEGETARIAN DIETS DEFINED specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now They may include fish if it is abundant in their area. Raw food diet: The followers of this diet only include foods that are still in their raw state, or have not touched fie. This diet is supposed to imitate the original human diet, however, excluding the raw meat. This diet is based on the principle that enzymes can be destroyed while cooking. Fruitarians: This is based on fruits, nuts, and seeds, health/ spiritual diet. Semivegetarian: diets may be of several types. An ovolactopollovegetarian diet includes poultry in addition to milk and eggs. For a pescovegetarian diet fish is an acceptable food. Part-time vegetarian: rely mainly on plant foods, but occasionally eat red meat and other animal foods. . VEGETARIAN DIETS DEFINED Essay Example For Students VEGETARIAN DIETS DEFINED Essay VEGETARIAN DIETS DEFINED Essay Vegetarianism does not have any mandatory rules. They do not all have to do things that are set in stone. However, some general types of the vegetarian diet do exist. The most commonly used terms for these catagories are as follows: Lacto-vegetarians:This type of diet has been defined as being restricted from eating any animal flesh, but they do or are allowed to eat dairy products. Ovo-vegetarians: Similar to lacto-vegetarians, they do not eat flesh or milk products, but are allowed to eat eggs instead of dairy products. Lacto-ovo-vegetarians: the most popular type, does not eat flesh or meats from animals, but they do eat eggs and dairy products. Vegans: It is said to be virtually impossible to be completely vegan. These type of people do not eat animal products at all.Most also discourage use of animal products in their everyday life. They rely only on plant-based foods. Macrobiotics:This philosophy emphasizes consuming locally produced seasonal foods. We will write a custom essay on VEGETARIAN DIETS DEFINED specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now They may include fish if it is abundant in their area. Raw food diet: The followers of this diet only include foods that are still in their raw state, or have not touched fie. This diet is supposed to imitate the original human diet, however, excluding the raw meat. This diet is based on the principle that enzymes can be destroyed while cooking. Fruitarians: This is based on fruits, nuts, and seeds, health/ spiritual diet. Semivegetarian: diets may be of several types. An ovolactopollovegetarian diet includes poultry in addition to milk and eggs. For a pescovegetarian diet fish is an acceptable food. Part-time vegetarian: rely mainly on plant foods, but occasionally eat red meat and other animal foods. .
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Canadian Military Needs Improvements †Political Science Essay
The Canadian Military Needs Improvements – Political Science Essay Free Online Research Papers The Canadian Military Needs Imrovements Political Science Essay The American Heritage Dictionary states that an army is â€Å"a large body of people organized and trained for land warfare†(army). This large body of people should not need to be trained in such warfare. Countries should not need armies, there should be world peace. The world has yet to achieve this, so for now countries like Canada need to be able to protect themselves. Military troops would not have to join the military with world peace. They could get an education and get great jobs to help their country’s economy. There are many reasons Canada needs to improve their military. Firstly, due to Canada’s abundance of fresh water masses, Canada is at threat for war. Secondly, at present terrorists are becoming an increasingly large threat to Canada, therefore Canada needs some military protection. Finally, the United States of America (USA), Canada’s closest neighbour, has a higher military personnel to population ratio than Canada (About the Army: CBC News Indepth: The World Factbook). The Canadian government needs to improve the military for today and the future. Canada has a high percentage of the world’s drinking water. Many countries have very little water and would be willing to go to war to obtain it. Some countries have already stated that they will go to war for water. These countries include the USA and Israel (BBC News). Meir Ben Meir, former Israeli Water Commissioner said â€Å"I can promise that if there is not sufficient water in our region, if there is scarcity of water, if people remain thirsty for water, then we shall doubtless face war†(BBC News). Canada, possessing 20% of the world’s ground water, could be a target for war (Clark, Wallace, 444). If Canada does not improve their military in the near future, it will face difficulties battling desperate countries with water shortages. These nations will be looking to get water from other countries. Canada is a prime target for them to obtain this water. If Canada refuses to sell the water, the other nations will use force to obtain it. Thus the importan ce of water to human life could easily start World War III. In this case, Canada would need as many troops and vehicles as possible to protect this valuable resource. Today, many countries already have a shortage of water. These countries could be planning attacks for the near future. To prepare for this and protect the country and its economy Canada needs to improve the military. The increasing danger of terrorists is a reminder that all threats need to be monitored and kept away from the country. As time passes by, the chances of another terrorist attack become more imminent. This time attacks could be on Canadian soil. To protect the country from this kind of threat, Canada must improve their military. Each attack will slowly become more lethal and powerful, mainly because it is becoming easier to get a hold of low and high-tech weapons from around the world (terrorism). To protect the country from any threat, Canada must fund an anti-terrorist organization and give more funding to the military. If proper precautions are taken and proper defences are made the chances of the country suffering major damage from an attack will be minimized. As its own territory, Canada has no defences except for the police (Equipment: Weapons). Canada needs to create defence bases around the country. Such defences will ensure that the people of the nation will both feel and b e more secure. Canada has recently turned down a Ballistic Missile Defence system (Ballistic Missile Defence). This offer should have been accepted in order to protect the country. Canada needs to make up for the loss of this defence system by improving other defences. A comparison of Canada to the USA reveals that Canada has an army which is inferior to the USA’s. Canada’s army consists of about 62 000 troops which is minimal when compared to the 700 000 military personnel in the US army (CBC News Indepth; About the Army). Although the USA has a much larger population than Canada, the percentage of their population that is in the military is still greater. The USA has 0.002% of their population in the military, which is double, that of Canada’s 0.001% (About the Army; The World Factbook: CBC News Indepth). For Canada to seem like a powerful country they need to improve their army. In addition, the USA has a lot of weaponry available. Although Canada has many different types of vehicles and weapons, the USA still has more vehicles and weapons in comparison (Equipment: All Equipment; US Military). The USA is now in the process of creating robots, Canada needs to get up-to-date weaponry as well (Sgt. Jewell, Lorie). In order for Canada to appear powerful to opposing nations, it needs to keep up with changing technologies and be more involved with the USA on many operations. Just as the United Kingdom, recently, made themselves seem more powerful by joining the USA in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Canadian forces are in desperate need of improvements. Canada needs to gain these improvements because they are at the risk of being at war because of it’s abundance of fresh water. Also, Canada needs to defend itself from terrorist attacks. Finally, Canada needs to be in line with the USA with armies, and technology. Canada should continue working towards world peace through their many peacekeeping operations. However, until the dream of world peace becomes a reality, Canada must protect itself from the real world threats it faces now. Work Cited About the Army. US Army. Soldiers Almanac. 18 June 2005. goarmy.com/about/personnel.jsp â€Å"Army,†The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company. Ballistic Missile Defence. CBC. 18 June 2005. cbc.ca/news/background/us_missiledefence/ BBC News. BBC. 18 June 2005. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/677547.stm CBC News Indepth. CBC. 18 June 18 2005. cbc.ca/news/background/cdnmilitary/ Clark, Bruce W. and Wallace, John K. Making Connections. Scarborough: Prentice Hall Ginn Canada, 1999. Equipment: All Equipment. The Canadian Army. 18 June 2005. armee.forces.gc.ca/lf/English/2_5.asp?FlashEnabled=1 Equipment: Vehicles. The Canadian Army. 18 June 2005. armee.forces.gc.ca/lf/English/2_1.asp Equipment: Weapons. The Canadian Army. 18 June 2005. armee.forces.gc.ca/lf/English/2_2.asp Sgt. Jewell, Lorie. â€Å"Armed Robots Marching into Battle?†Army News Service 5 December 2005. The World Factbook. CIA. 18 June 2005. cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/rankorder/2119rank.htm Terrorism. Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia. 18 June 2005. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761564344/Terrorism.html Research Papers on The Canadian Military Needs Improvements - Political Science EssayQuebec and CanadaThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeGenetic EngineeringPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyDefinition of Export QuotasAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Never Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceBringing Democracy to AfricaAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into Asia
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Teach the Past Continuous to ESL Students
How to Teach the Past Continuous to ESL Students The main concept to relay when teaching the past continuous is the idea that the past continuous expresses an interrupted action. In other words, the past continuous speaks about what was going on when something important happened. The past continuous can be used by itself to express what happened at a precise moment in the past. However, the most common use is together with the past simple ​(when something happened). You might want to consider teaching the past simple together with the past continuous for intermediate level classes, as the past simple will be review for students. Introduction Start by speaking about what was interrupted. Describe an important past event and then fill in the details as a painter would fill in background details by using the past continuous form. This immediately illustrates the idea that the past continuous is used to set the context of what was happening at that moment in time. Id like to tell you about the day I met my wife. I was walking through the park, the birds were singing and it was raining just a little bit when I saw her! She was sitting on the bench and reading a book at that moment. Ill never be the same. This example is exaggerated for a reason. It boldly conveys the point. Continue introducing the past continuous by asking students simple questions in the past simple about events. Follow up these questions with a question asking what was happening when the event occurred. When did you leave home this morning - At nine oclock.What was your sister doing when you left home?Where did you meet your girlfriend? - At school.What were you doing when you met her? The next step in teaching the past continuous is to include simultaneous actions using while. Explain that while is used when two actions happen at the same time in the past. Its a good idea to point out the difference between while and during, to help avoid confusion. Practice Explaining the Past Continuous on the Board Use a past continuous timeline to illustrate interrupted action. Contrasting this timeline with the past continuous for something happening at a specific point in the past may help illustrate the difference between the two uses. Make sure that students understand the use of time clauses with when and while to help them use the past continuous in context. Comprehension Activities Comprehension activities such as using photos in magazines will help with the past continuous. In this case, make it clear to students that they are to describe the event in the past. You can model this by using a photo in a magazine to describe such an event. Dialogues beginning with What were you doing? will help students practice. A creative writing exercise on the past continuous will also help students build their ability to integrate the past continuous into more advanced structures. Challenges The single greatest challenge to learning the past continuous is deciding which action is the main event: in other words, which event interrupted the action in progress in the past moment in time? Other challenges can include the use of the past continuous to express an activity that happened over a period of time. Its crucial for students to understand that the past continuous describes a particular moment in time, and not a completed event. Here are examples of this type of issue: I was studying science yesterday.She was cooking dinner last night. In other words, the past continuous needs the context of another event when stopped the action in progress at the time.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Module 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Module 6 - Essay Example ther hand, commercialization of music also saw many companies becoming less concerned with servicing existing demand but with creating new tastes in order to manipulate demand. In the contemporary times, commercialization has affected my favorite rock band; the Californian based Linkin Park, through increased piracy which in turn has resulted in decreasing the band’s album sales. The Beatles and Rolling Stones took completely different paths in that the Beatles saw themselves as a pop group while the Rolling stones largely practiced rhythm and blues music. The two paths have remained important genres of rock music with rhythm and blues having its largest fan base among African Americans while pop is still more popular with white Americans. However, both the pop and RnBs music have made a significant impact on the global music industry and have many audiences in various parts of the world. Frith, Simon (1988). The industrialization of music. in Andy Bennet, Barry Shank, Jason Toynbee. â€Å"Contemporary Dance Music and Club Culture,† in Andy Bennett, Cultures of Popular Music. Buckingham/: Routlege,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Interview - Essay Example Harris’ office. The moment I walked into the room, I could sense that the atmosphere was very relaxing. The room was spacious and let in plenty of light, and there was a fountain running in the corner. The room had been painted with nice, soothing colors. Ms. Harris said that the standard Army counseling sessions are 90 minutes long. She said that the most difficult thing about her job is trying to help someone whose families are constantly moving every two or three years. Ms. Harris expressed frustration with her job, saying that most of the time she feels like she is just putting a bandage on the situation and is not making any long-term impact. The one positive aspect of the program is that it is carried out in conjunction with the military; if the abuser doesn’t stick with therapy or show any improvement, they will be discharged from the military. So, if they do not bother to participate in the program, they won’t have a job. This gives military personal more incentives to work harder. She also stated that the hardest issue is to know if they really want to change or not. As military members, they are supposed to show military barring. Ms. Harris commented that it can be hard to break down these walls because of how the military trains them to think. The U.S. Army Family Advocacy Program is dedicated to the prevention, education, prompt reporting, investigation, intervention, and treatment of spouse and child abuse. The program provides a variety of services to all active duty soldiers, retirees, and DOD employees and their family members to enhance relationship skills and improve each individual’s quality of life. This mission is accomplished through a variety of groups, seminars, workshops, and counseling and intervention services. The programs that are offered through the Family Advocacy Program include the Exceptional Family Member Program, New Parent Support Program, Transitional Compensation Program, and Victim Advocacy Pro gram. The Exceptional Family Member Program caters for soldiers who have a family member with special needs. The program provides community support, housing, education, medical, and personnel services to affected family members of soldiers. On the other hand, the New Parent Support Program helps soldiers and family members who are either expecting a child or have a child or up to three years of age. The program provides home visits, play groups, and parenting classes for military families with young children. The Transitional Compensation Program supports spouses of soldiers who have either been court-martialed or have been found guilty of domestic violence or child abuse. The afflicted family member is eligible for medical and dental care for a period of up to 36 months. Payments are made monthly and vary upon the victim’s status to the soldier. Lastly, the Victim Advocacy Program provides support to victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault. This program is available 24/ 7 and allows victims to talk with trained professionals about their experiences. The treatment soldiers and their families receive include intervention and therapeutic services designed to prevent repetition of abuse and to restore the health of victims and innocent family members who have suffered physical or psychological damage from abuse. Treatment also may include crisis intervention, education programs, short-term counseling, marital
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Flow of Energy Essay Example for Free
The Flow of Energy Essay Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. This is what the law of conservation of energy states. In our environment, energy flows in one form to another through the different natural processes. In ecosystems, some energy is converted into nutrients, which is then passed from one organism to another. The model used to show the transfer of energy and nutrient from one organism to another is called food chain. Sunlight is the main source of energy here on earth. Energy from sunlight, called solar energy, is converted into chemical energy by plants through a process called photosynthesis. Plants also make use of nutrients found in the soil to produce their food. That plants are able to produce their own food is why they are called the producers in the food chain. Animals cannot make their own food and get the energy and nutrients they require from eating plants or other animals. Hence, they are called consumers. Animals that eat only plants are called herbivores; animals that eat only other animals are called carnivores; and animals that eat both plants and other animals are called omnivores. In the food chain, animals that feed on plants are the first level consumers and animals that feed on them are the second level of consumers. There can be up to three to four levels of consumers in the food chain, after which decomposers, such as worms, bacteria and fungi, break down the wastes and dead organisms as their food source and return nutrients back into the soil. Energy transferred through the food chain does not have a fixed amount. Producers, for example, only converts about three percent of the energy absorbed from the sun into chemical energy. The actual energy and nutrient transferred from one organism to another gets lower with each transfer. In general, only â€Å"about ten percent of the energy from one level of a food chain makes it to the next†(KEEP, n. p. ). The energy and nutrients, however, are not lost with each transfer. It is just that organisms are unable to â€Å"digest†all nutrients from what they eat. The undigested nutrients are excreted as wastes. Organisms may also have used some of the energy they received, by converting chemical energy into mechanical energy in cases of animals, and are unable to transfer all of the energy to the next level in the food chain. The energies used by animals are eventually converted into heat energy. Works Cited â€Å"Energy flow in ecosystems. †2002. Energy through our lives. K-12 Energy Education Program (KEEP), University of Wisconsin Stevens Point. 7 July, 2008. http://www. uwsp. edu/cnr/WCEE/keep/Mod1/Flow/foodchains. htm
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Wireless Technology Essay -- Network Congestion,
Wireless is a new technology that allows users to access information and services regardless of the geographic position. People can utilize and surf the Internet with computers (e.g., laptop, palmtop, smart phone and PDA) whenever and wherever possible. In general, wireless network can be classified into two types: infrastructure network and ad hoc network. Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is an autonomous group of mobile users who communicate through relatively bandwidth constrained wireless links. Since the hosts are mobile, the network topology may change rapidly and unpredictably over time [3]. Congestion in a network may occur if the load on the network (the numbers of packets send to the network) is greater than the capacity of the network (the number of packets a network can handle). Thus network congestion can severely increase delay and packet loss and reduced network throughput. Congestion control refers to techniques and mechanisms that can either prevent congestion before it happens, or remove congestion after it happened. The main objective of congestion control is to limit the delay and buffer overflow caused by network congestion and provide better performance of the network [6]. In wire line networks, congestion control is implemented at the transport layer and is often designed separately from functions of other layers [20]. However, these congestion control techniques do not apply directly to adhoc networks because the ad hoc network is challenged by limited wireless bandwidth, power constraints, route failures due to node mobility and limited buffer size. The final result is high packet-loss rate, re-routing instability, loss of energy, bandwidth and retransmission of lost packets, which means that even mo... ...ne ( warn_line= queue_size/2), then the node’s congestion status becomes Zone I (safe zone). The average queue length greater than Minth and less than Maxth, then the node’s congestion status becomes Zone-II (likely to be congested zone) and initiates alternate path discovery mechanism. In mean time, the instant queue size is greater than Maxth due to heaviness of incoming traffic and the status of alternate path discovery becomes false. In this situation our algorithm introduce queue utilization parameter consists of three ranges {85%queuesize, 87.5%queuesize, 90%queuesize} which will help to change Maxth values dynamically until alternate path discovery becomes true. Finally average queue length is greater than Maxth, then the node’s congestion status becomes Zone –III(congested zone). The algorithm of dynamic congestion detection algorithm is shown in Fig.1. Wireless Technology Essay -- Network Congestion, Wireless is a new technology that allows users to access information and services regardless of the geographic position. People can utilize and surf the Internet with computers (e.g., laptop, palmtop, smart phone and PDA) whenever and wherever possible. In general, wireless network can be classified into two types: infrastructure network and ad hoc network. Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is an autonomous group of mobile users who communicate through relatively bandwidth constrained wireless links. Since the hosts are mobile, the network topology may change rapidly and unpredictably over time [3]. Congestion in a network may occur if the load on the network (the numbers of packets send to the network) is greater than the capacity of the network (the number of packets a network can handle). Thus network congestion can severely increase delay and packet loss and reduced network throughput. Congestion control refers to techniques and mechanisms that can either prevent congestion before it happens, or remove congestion after it happened. The main objective of congestion control is to limit the delay and buffer overflow caused by network congestion and provide better performance of the network [6]. In wire line networks, congestion control is implemented at the transport layer and is often designed separately from functions of other layers [20]. However, these congestion control techniques do not apply directly to adhoc networks because the ad hoc network is challenged by limited wireless bandwidth, power constraints, route failures due to node mobility and limited buffer size. The final result is high packet-loss rate, re-routing instability, loss of energy, bandwidth and retransmission of lost packets, which means that even mo... ...ne ( warn_line= queue_size/2), then the node’s congestion status becomes Zone I (safe zone). The average queue length greater than Minth and less than Maxth, then the node’s congestion status becomes Zone-II (likely to be congested zone) and initiates alternate path discovery mechanism. In mean time, the instant queue size is greater than Maxth due to heaviness of incoming traffic and the status of alternate path discovery becomes false. In this situation our algorithm introduce queue utilization parameter consists of three ranges {85%queuesize, 87.5%queuesize, 90%queuesize} which will help to change Maxth values dynamically until alternate path discovery becomes true. Finally average queue length is greater than Maxth, then the node’s congestion status becomes Zone –III(congested zone). The algorithm of dynamic congestion detection algorithm is shown in Fig.1.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Fundraising Event At St. Therese’s Parish
As part of the 75th anniversary of St. Therese’s Parish, the parish family, together with Monsignor Robert MacArthur has campaigned for a fundraising event that will support the festive celebration of its institution. The fundraising activity will involve the sales of the St. Therese’s 75th Anniversary Cookbook, which is a compilation of approximately 75 favorite and traditional recipes submitted by members of the parish themselves. The St. Therese’s 75th Anniversary Cookbook is a product of the members of the parish who are dedicated to serve the parish in their very own personal way. The cookbook will be sold for only $5. 00 a piece and all proceeds will go to the celebration of St. Therese’s 75th anniversary. The cookbook is dedicated to all former priests, sisters and parishioners who have provided their hard work and commitment to the parish in the early days and years, which in turn developed the foundation of what we now see at St. Therese’s Parish. It is well-known that many handsâ€â€and hearts, as well as God’s grace, have molded the current parish. The St. Therese’s 75th Anniversary Cookbook is composed of several sectionsâ€â€appetizers and beverages, salads and dressings, soups and sauces, vegetables, main dishes, breads, desserts, and even canning procedures, that will be very helpful to every home. Each entry has been lovingly written and submitted by parishioners, with their goal of sharing their good home recipes and at the same time helping out in raising funds for the coming joyous event at St. Therese’s. The St. Therese’s 75th Anniversary Cookbook will be available at the parish entrance after Holy Mass and will also be available at the corner grocery store, along Main Street and West Avenue. So hurry up and grab a copy of the St. Therese’s 75th Anniversary Cookbook and be part of the joyful group that is eager to share their oneness with the parish in raising funds for its 75th anniversary celebration!
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Twentieth century has brought many revolutions on the face of the world. The century have seen a list of dictatorships, some constructive and others destructive. Leader principle, has however, been recognized as a basis of dictatorship. Chinese Revolution has been one of these mega revolutions of the twentieth century. The ultimate objective of the revolution was to bring China out of the ‘liberal bourgeoisie’, and the revolution was launched by the communist party under the supervison of great Mao Zedong. While discussiong the Chinese revolution, the great leap forward and the immediate infulence of the revlotuion, the role that Mao Zedong played as a leader cannot be ignored. Mao’s career examplifies the leader principle in a variety of styles. Being trained in a Chinese classics and later receiving the modern education, Zedong has deeeply observed the oppresive conditions of the society and aimed to nip the adversities in the bud. The reason behind the fact that people of China regard him as a symbol is his philosophy. The development of Maoist ideology was based on the foreign philosophical doctrines of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. Mao, however, sinified Marxism in an attempt to ensure unrealistic future growth (Cheek, Timothy). Though, following the Marxist school of thought for the betterment of the economic structure of the country Mao’s belief of dictatorship has also some great influences on his career. Every Communist must grasp the truth: Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun (Zedong Mao). This statement of Mao clearly mentions that, in order to bring a change in status quo, the importance of political power cannot be denied, and the political power lies in leader principle. Though Mao’s career has mostly been highlighted with reference to the great Chinese Revolution, but his efforts date from the foundation of Chinese Communist Party, then Mao during the Second World War, and of course the prominent figure of the Chinese Revolution. Mao’s personality following the leader principle during the Second World War has been highlighted mostly because of the policies of Chiang Kai Shek, the opposition leader who consumed all of his energies to fight the communists, instead of the invading Japanese forces. This gave a plus point to Mao in fact. After this Mao’s efforts to bring the economic equilibrium in the country with special reference to the Chinese Revolution, has emerged in the history as a milestone. Though the revolution has been aimed to nip the roots of socialism, and was certainly in the favor of masses, but it still faces some critiques. According to Timothy Cheek, The Great Leap Forward was a product of Mao’s utopian visions at the Beidaihe Conference in August 1958 (Cheek 160). The Great Leap Forward was in fact the ultimate outcome of Mao’s Marxist view. It resulted in the boost of industries on one hand pushing the production levels higher, but on the other hands the peasantry and the agriculture sector got neglected very badly, as most of the farmers and the peasants left the occupation and started making steel. Cheek further says that ‘people simply believed in Mao’ (Cheek xiv). This statement of Cheek is of contradictory nature. On one hand it gives an impression that, the policies of Mao have been much attractive for the people, and on the other hand it may reflect the essence of dictatorship, where by people have no other option. The twenty seven years of rule made Mao a different image in the history, combination of achievements and a bit flaws. One more important element in the career of Mao Zedong was the personality cult in 1968. This gave Mao the ultimate political power and according to some researches, he sent his disloyal official to the country side to work in the labour camps. In the same time Zedong ordered to the young intellectuals to move to the countryside in order to educate the masses at villages. This effort of Zedong has largely been appreciated among the Chinese and that is the reason they gave him a God-like status. The young intellectuals though ordered to move to the villages, were allowed to get back to the cities later. The Cultural Revolution, people’s access to criticize the social and cultural institutions, and the economic and the political development in China has largely been associated with Zedong’s principle leadership. His thought became the central operative guide for the people of China; they ignored the traditional art and ideas while praising his efforts. Though being so much praised, there are some other views as well. Cheek at one place says ‘Jiang and David Ashley purport that Mao’s revolutionary achievements allowed him to continue to command immense respect (Cheek, xiv). This may be true to some extent, but in general, if a leader moulds the society and the economy in a more productive way with a specific acceleration, the respect among masses is the only and biggest reward for him. Mao’s career entitled with a long list of achievements has not only led him to have the respect and a God like status, but to have his name as a great leader of the history as well. It’s reported that, on Mao’s death people have been found crying on the streets. Some experts rate Mao’s era with 70% success and 30% failure. So 70% success is not bad at all. And the leader leading the nation towards this success if given the God-like status is not a command respect in my opinion. Mao’s era entitled with the social and economic achievements, though criticized to a limited extent, makes him the best leader in the history of China. And while comparing the other dictatorships in the world during the twentieth century, he’s been the most respected and successful one.  Work Cited: 1- Cheek, Timothy. [2002] (2002). Mao Zedong and China's Revolutions: A Brief History with Documents. Palgrave Macmillan Publishing. ISBN 0312294298      Â
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Randy Johnson essays
Randy Johnson essays Randy Johnson is a man of many fine characteristics on and off the field. Since he has come to the Diamondbacks organization he has already won a world championship and lead the team to three division titles. He has won four Cy young awards and three of the past three years. Off the field he supports foundations such as Cystic Fibrosis and ChildHaven. Johnson's main weapons are a fastball that can reach triple digits on the radar gun and an 89 MPH slider that can look like a fastball but break onto a righthanded hitters' shoetops. But on occasion he also will try to throw a backdoor slider on the outside corner. And he has added a couple pitches that he'll use a handful of times per game a split-finger pitch and a two-seam fastball. With a runner on first base, for example, Johnson might try a two-seamer to get a groundball instead of expending more pitches on a strikeout. The subject of a humorous commercial when he first came to Arizona, Johnson's hitting has improved. But he still managed just eight singles in 80 at-bats last season. His bunting ability is average. His fielding is poor; he has a tendency to hurry throws and also subject his defensive mates to the same type of movement he features on his pitches. While Johnson doesn't have a great pickoff move, he'll get some outs that way because of persistence. As much as I admire Randy's playing ability on the field, I admire his personality and generosity off the field even more. He sets a model for all of us. Randy Johnson is very active with his local chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Randy serves as co-chair of the Mariners' annual CF Golf Tournament and auction, which raises over $100,000 annually and is one of the CF Foundation's largest fund raisers in the country. In his tenure as co-chair (along with Jay Buhner), the golf tourney has raised over a half million dollars to help find a cure for this crippling disease. ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Advantages And Limitations Of The Swot Model Marketing Essay
Advantages And Limitations Of The Swot Model Marketing Essay INTRODUCTION When individuals or organizations face critical situations where crucial decisions have to be made pertaining to the desired objective that has already been defined/identified, they need methods by which to analyse their current position and to find out ways to achieve their goals by overcoming the problems. But how can individuals/organizations carry out such an analysis? First of all, they must identify what they want to accomplish (the objective), what they already have (current position), what means are available to them (opportunities) and what hurdles they may have to tackle (threats). This requires careful planning. For the success of any organization, business product, or an individual, planning is essential. Planning is â€Å"an act of formulating a strategy for a definite course of action for the accomplishment of an objective.†(Business Dictionary) With the help of planning, an individual can know where he stands, can decide what he wants to achieve a nd can figure out how he can bridge the gap between the two. How is planning done? SWOT analysis is an effective tool which aids strategic planning both for individual as well as organizational growth and development. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. With the help of SWOT analysis, one can specify the personal/organizational objective, can identify the various favourable and/or unfavourable internal as well as external factors that may influence the accomplishment of that objective and on the basis of these one can develop effective strategies that would help in achieving the objective. SWOT analysis can be done on the organizational level as well as on the individual level. In this chapter, we shall focus mainly on SWOT analysis for individuals. BASIC ELEMENTS OF SWOT ANALYSIS As pointed out earlier, SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The SWOT analysis model is composed of these four main elements put together w hich form a framework for analysis. Strengths are the positive attributes of the individual or organization that help to achieve the desired objective/s. Weaknesses are the negative attributes of the individual or organization that hinder the accomplishment of the desired objective/s. Opportunities are the favourable circumstances that can create a possibility for progress which results in the achievement of the desired objective/s. Threats are the unfavourable circumstances that can cause damage to the individual or organization and stop them from accomplishing their desired objective/s. Strengths and weaknesses are the internal factors that influence the individual or organizational objectives. They are internal to the individual or organization and are within their control. They are classified as strengths or weaknesses depending upon the impact that they have on the objective. The attribute that may be seen as strength in the context of one particular objective may prove to be a weakness in a different decision-making context. For example, aggressiveness is normally considered a weakness in an individual’s personality. But when we consider it in the context of soldiers who are trained for combat, aggression is regarded as their strength. On the other hand, opportunities and threats are the external factors that propel the individual or organization towards growth or impede its progress respectively. They are external to the individual or organization and are beyond their control. Thus, the main object of SWOT analysis is to recognize the major internal and external factors that are crucial to achieving the desired personal or business objective.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Metaphors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Metaphors - Essay Example In the first case study, there is an issue that is being faced by the managers is the need to hold dowen the line against the senior managers who are aggressive. This is a great problem because it seriously impacts on their relationship with their subordinates and hence their attitudes and performances in their work. In this sense, it is one of the hindrances towards productivity as most of the employees are expected to work as machines. Using the Morgan’s use of metaphors to understand the organization is well applied in this scenario. The manager is able to note down a few of the Morgan’s metaphors in his work. They include the art of blowing up in order to defend his people. In this context, he drills the individual and then attacks. In essence, he has identified work as a battle whereby there is a great need to fight in order to ensure that the rights of all the employees are not violated. It is caused by the element of being in the heat of the battle to enable an i ndividual to defend their territories hence the need to understand how the organization works. It is with the notion that the work place is a battle field that the manager in this case has devised the proper ways of dealing with his colleagues in such a way that enhances the productivity of all the other employees. The main problem in this case is the need to come up with a new product. It is the principle issue that is causing worries to the director in this organization. It is mainly because the product is required in high degree autonomy. It was also supposed to appear to be an integral part of the existing company. In this sense, the metaphor is created through the use of the symbolic modeling. Ultimately, there is the launch of a central launch pad from which the hot air balloon can rise and ascend. Although this balloon was always navigated by the captain, it was always tied to the launch pad. This defined its safety and scope
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